Welcome to the Business English Vocabulary Challenge! In this article, you'll learn 5 common Business English phrasal verbs.
Today's Challenge:
Choose the correct option and listen to the sentence.
Do you know what at the last minute means?
happening just before the deadline or very close to the final moment
He submitted the report at the last minute.
He changed his mind at the last minute and decided not to attend the event.
I found the perfect gift at the last minute, just before the party started.
Did you get the quiz answer right?
The correct answer is d.fell.
when a deal or a plan falls through, it fails to happen
The deal fell through because we couldn’t agree on the terms.
Our vacation plans fell through when the hotel was overbooked.
Our plans to meet up this weekend fell through because of a family emergency.
For Enthusiasts: Learn More Business English Phrasal Verbs and Idioms with 'Fall'
Choose the correct option and listen to the sentence.

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