Welcome to the Business English Vocabulary Challenge! Today, we’ll learn another common phrase used in the workplace.
Today's Challenge:
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
Everyone will be held ____ for their performance.
A. accounted
B. accounting
C. accountable
In business, the phrase be held accountable means being responsible for something. If someone is held accountable for their performance, it means they are responsible for their actions and results.
She was held accountable for the budget mistakes in the report
The CEO was held accountable for the company's financial losses.
A less common and more formal version of this phrase is to hold someone to account.
We must hold him to account for his mistakes. (=We must make him explain his actions.)
So, the correct answer to the quiz is C. accountable.
Did You Know?
The word accounted means something different. If something or someone is accounted for, it means it has been explained or counted.
All the money is accounted for. (=The money has been checked, and everything is clear.)
All employees have been accounted for after the fire drill.
The missing documents have been accounted for.